Legal mentions

Legal mentions

The website is the property of SOLUCIONES AMBIENTALES DEL NORTE, registered at the commercial and business under the following registration number : 76.849.990-K, and with headquarters at :

Prat 461, Oficina 2103 – 2104, Antofagasta – Chile

The publication director of the website is Roxana Segovia in his role as Commercial Director.

The graphic and technical conception of the site was done by:

Staff Creativa
Conde de la Monclova 282
San Isidro, Lima – San Isidro, Peru

The website is hosted by:

35 rue du grand puits 79230 Vouille – France
R.C.S. NIORT 799 902 051


The elements that constitute the current Site, developed by the SOLUCIONES AMBIENTALES DEL NORTE Group, or on their behalf, are the property of SOLUCIONES AMBIENTALES DEL NORTE .
They are protected by legislation applicable to copyright, brand rights, drawing and model rights, as well as disloyal competition.
Copies of documents from this website can only be made for information purposes, and exclusively for personal use. The Site, and all its elements, including in particular, brands, texts, graphical charters, illustration, logos, company names, products and photographs, are the exclusive property of SOLUCIONES AMBIENTALES DEL NORTE , or its affiliated companies.
No licence, nor any rights, other than that of consulting the website, are given in regards to intellectual property rights.
The reproduction of documents on the site is authorised strictly for information purposes and for personal use: any reproduction and any use of a copy created for any other use is expressly forbidden.
They cannot be used without the prior written consent of SOLUCIONES AMBIENTALES DEL NORTE .
In every case, and subject to the proceeding information, the source must be indicated (the present Website and Séché Environnement and/or its subsidiaries), as well as, if applicable, the name of the author.
Any person not respecting the applicable legal dispositions is guilty of the offence of counterfeiting and is subject to the penalties set out in the law, notwithstanding any other legal action taken by the SOLUCIONES AMBIENTALES DEL NORTE Group.

User Commitments

Every visitor to the SOLUCIONES AMBIENTALES DEL NORTE website who gives information to SOLUCIONES AMBIENTALES DEL NORTE , via the website, agrees to the transfer the entirety of their rights regarding this information and authorises SOLUCIONES AMBIENTALES DEL NORTE to use the information as they wish. The information given by visitors is considered non-confidential and needs to be exact, legal and not interfere with the rights of third parties.
Furthermore, conforming with the law of the 6th of January 1978 and its modifications regarding information technology, files and liberties, the visitor has the right to oppose, to access and to correct personal information that they may have provided. This right can be exercised at any moment by sending a letter to the following address:


Dirección comercial

Prat 461, Oficina 2103 – 2104, Antofagasta – Chile

The modification or deletion of the provided information will occur a short time later.


The SOLUCIONES AMBIENTALES DEL NORTE Group excludes all guarantees (quality guarantee, of the appropriateness of a particular use, of ownership and the absence of counterfeits) regarding the contents of the site.
Further guarantees relating to damage (direct, indirect, accessory, special or punitive) resulting from the use or the workings of the site, the property of SOLUCIONES AMBIENTALES DEL NORTE , are also excluded.


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Furthermore, in order to analyse your preferences and subject to your consent, invisible pixels or beacons can be placed by a third party provider on some of our articles and messages in order to help us identify the pages that are consulted, to count the frequency of loading and the number of visitors, to analyse the structure of traffic and to produce statistics on the most appreciated content.
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2. Click on the “Privacy and Security” icon
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1. Choose the “Tools” menu then “Internet options”
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To know more about the options offered by other navigators and the procedure for deleting cookie files stocked on your computer, the CNIL details the procedure to follow to limit your traces on the internet and more generally, can inform you of how cookies are configured.

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