Chile’s Decarbonization Plan: A Double Challenge

Noticias descarbonizacion

Chile aims to be carbon neutral by 2050 along with countries such as the United Kingdom, France, New Zealand, and Spain, being the first developing nation in the world to face this challenge.

But what does Carbon Neutral mean? Carbon neutrality means zero carbon footprint, where the net carbon produced is equivalent to the net carbon absorbed or withdrawn. This definition includes all greenhouse gases (GHGs). Chile’s government aims to achieve the carbon-neutral target by 2050 by pushing laws that force the economy to have the capacity to reach such a balance.

In this context, it is important to consider that, in Chile, during 2016, 111,677.5 kilotons of CO2 were generated, according to data from the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), and only 62,492 kilotons were absorbed. It should be noted that, of the total emanated into the atmosphere, 78% comes from the consumption and generation of energy. Hence the importance of the decarbonization plan promoted by the government, which aims to eliminate, by 2040, all coal-fired power plants in the country, and today generate 40% of the electricity produced in Chile.

This plan, called Zero Carbon Energy, poses a double challenge. On the one hand, to look for alternative sources, where Chile exhibits excellent potential proven through non-conventional renewable energies (NCRE). On the other hand, the recovery and remediation of the land of the 28 thermoelectric plants that will be closed in the next 20 years are proposed. And it is in this area where Séché can be a great ally.

The experience and knowledge in the recovery of contaminated soils and infrastructures developed for more than 30 years by Séché, allow offering solutions that will facilitate to give a new life to these facilities in disuse. From museums to corporate buildings, through parks and green spaces, these are some of the international examples of the transformation of this type of land and sites, which also generates new sources of employment.

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